Get started with Goupil & Cie

How to Sell


Our team of passionate and plurilingual specialists can support you across the different selling steps and make the entire process and experience as seamless as possible in accordance with your needs and objectives. Selling through Goupil & Cie is a holistic process which starts with a request for estimation. Items with a set of particular features and characteristics which will suit Goupil & Cie’s market landscape will be accepted for consignment, which will then be offered for auction or private sale. Once you accept the consignment agreement, you will embark on the selling journey where we will accompany you, every step of the way. A Goupil & Cie specialist will advise you on auction estimates, selling fees and the best way to market your item and get it sold.


Please consult our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) to learn more about selling with Goupil & Cie.